
Games sold through Game Crafter for now

Our games are sold through a third party. Sorry for the inconvenience. We are also trying to make the games as cheap as possible, but still fun. Thank you for understanding.



Apologies for the delay in opening the website!

So sorry about the long delay on getting the website up. It took longer than we thought to get a couple games done and to get the site up and running. We wanted to make sure we had at least two games ready and one close. First to 20 and Escape Zombie City are both for sale while Dragon Hunting is in its final testing phase. We will have a launch date for it soon.



What We Are About!

My name is Scott Snyder. My good friend Matt Graphman helped me build this site, but I will be running it. Hopefully not into the ground. Haha. I recently started creating a couple games on paper and play testing them with some friends. As I got better and the games got better, it became clear that this it what the future holds for me.

Creating games became fun and challenging. Then Matt asked me when I was going to start actually building games and get hard copies of them. He showed me some programs and websites I could use to create and publish my games.

So with learning how to design games, First to 20 was created. It took a while to figure out the rules and designs, but it slowly came together. I loved every bit of it. Then came a game that seemed even more challenging for a design, but one that was beginning to make sense the more I thought about it. That game was Escape Zombie City. As I developed these games more ideas kept popping up into my head.

So after getting a couple hard copies of the first two games that were developed, I entered a convention in Bloomington, IN and got a lot of great feedback about my current games and the games I was developing. Which greatly encouraged me to keep going.

So here I am, working on this website and designing my games. Also I will use We in most of my posts to make it sound more professional. Haha. Also incase this actually takes off and I have to hire someone or several people.



Welcome to Our New World!

Welcome to Snyder Games. Thanks for visiting our website and checking out these new games. We have 2 games almost ready to come out of hiding, 2 games in production and 1 game in queue! Soon we will be releasing our first game First to 20!
